Friday, February 23, 2007

Surviving Puberty: Lonelygirl 15

The way I see it, lonelygirl15 phenomenon comes as an Internet response to the teen-TV-series classics such as My So-called life or Dawson's Creek . Unfortunately, inspite of the good acting performance of J.L.Rose, it came out no better than Sabrina, the Teenage Witch :) (At least some of the lastest videos, posted in feb. 2007.)

That is why I found this video

title: Lonelygirl15 The Media Whore
type: People and Blogs movie
from: mojo4mojo

too harsh. (But interesting.) I mean, she's only nineteen. :)
What do you expect? :)

Anyway, I don't think any web-cam video could come even close to such classic as the Heartbreak High . The best of the kind.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Best of Web 2.0

name: Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us
type: science and technology video
dur.: 4 min31 sec
from: mwesch

Although it is posted under sci-tech category, it's more like a commercial for Web2.0 (rather than a sci-tech movie). So what is Web2.0? It is the same old internet but faster and wider. Just like an old road which became wider, with less holes and more street lights and road signs. Will it evolve into high-way? I doubt it. Particulary because of some things that we need "to rethink". Such as privacy.
Would you appreciate going into some pub where a waiter, an owner, or some "third parties" are spying on you: listen to your conversation, checking out what you usually drink and do, so they could provide a better service?

I know I wouldn't.

Maybe that is the point of this video: the (people in the) machine is using us.
It is worth thinkining about.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Somethning new

The Internet. Once regarded as the next best thing, now just another one of the media. Is it alive? Is it dead? It is hard to say. It certainly is more alive than the television (whose corpse is in the last phase of desintegration) , and even much more than the printed media (whose bones are lying diplaced on the media cemetery).

Something that will certainly add up to popularity of the internet is YouTube.

"So what's so great about Youtube?" - someone might ask- "the same people which we are trying to avoid on the rest of the internet: boring individuals who think that their life is so important;, omnipotent psychologists, religious missionaries, politicians, "smart" oldtimers and other professional savers; cheeters, liers and thiefs, etc. " And I could agree with that. About 90% of all the things on Youtube is thrash (jus like on the rest of the internet). BUT that 10% that remains is something really worth writing about.

I'll do my best to prove that. Right here, on this blog. :)


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